When writing a karaoke web app I had the challenge of simultaneously making verses appear as large as possible on mobile phones, tablets and TVs. Each having different aspect ratios and resolutions.

I soon discovered that unless I broke lines much of the screen would be wasted. But in order to optimally conform text to a desired aspect ratio:

Which lines should I break?
How many times?
I also wanted to keep lines as even length as possible. In the end I decided to automatically evaluate 1000s of possible layouts for each song until I found the best for the current screen.

Should I use DOM, SVG or canvas?

The font metrics in JS is not very accurate so I will detail the dirty methods I used to find the true size of rendered text.

Breakpoints often don’t give the power needed to fit a design on a single screen. JavaScript is very fast at mathematical operations and the approach of evaluating a large number of plausible layouts and selecting the best may hold promise for more areas than typography.